Our online exam software is developed keeping in mind the stressed and nervous mindset of exam answering students. Just like it understands students, it also understands you, the examiner. Set exams the way you want with different difficulty levels for different students. With Exam Curve you can easily set question papers in shortest span of time. This software was created by our developers with an objective to offer convenience and user-friendliness to the institute and the students.

Features of Exam Curve
- Doesn't need installation
- Follows current exam patterns
- Quick customization
- Easy to use
- Can accommodate any number of exam papers
Benefits for Admin
- Feature-rich admin panel
- Can be customized as per the needs
- Easy answer paper evaluation
- Easy search & edit options
- Smooth managing of exam papers of any number of subjects
- Questions, subjects, student details can be found and managed easily
- Easy viewing of payments made by students
Benefits for Students
- Easy registration process
- Personalized account with editing options
- Access to payment history, exam history & results
- Easy payment procedure
- Real-time exam experience with time record
- Easy viewing of results
Choose Exam Curve, an online exam software built around usability, functionality and best design layout for you and your candidates.